Angela Wang's Journal

Mar 2007
7:26 PM EDT

Itis a raining day in Nanjing today. Here once it starts torain,it will generally last several days. Sometimes I hate raining. And the wind always brings about rain that makes people difficult to walk. In the spring of this year, the abnormal weather is seemingly colder than the winter of last year. So now many people still have to wear the thick clothes.
In fact, in recent years this abnormal weather often exists at a high frequency all over the world. The experts on Metrology say human beings’ activities contribute to the deterioration ofsuch weather condition largely. Since the Industrial Revolution began, human beings started to ruinthe nature little by little. First, the multiply of natural resources, especially those irreproducible resources, were exploited intemperately to make the industrial products. When nature brings the natural disasterto human being, thenthey willrealize thatwhat they have doneis wrong. So many kinds of protection activities were takenin all fields. This “pollute first, control second” road is walked by many of developed countries. In China, the size of land is larger, but the natural resources areless than other countries in the world. So the policy of sustainable development has to be carried out. Everyone must take action to protect our home for our next generation.
1 comment(s) - 09:50 AM - 03/15/2007
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Angela Wang's Profile

  • Username: Angela Wang
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: China
    ANGELA WANG's Interests:

    About Me: I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.

    Interests: Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.

    Favorite Music: folk songs

    Favorite Movies: Forest Gum

    Favorite Television: nature program

    Favorite Books: red dream